Entrez en contact avec votre public alors qu'il attend que l'artiste monte sur scène. Posez des questions et engagez la conversation. Existe-t-il un moyen plus original de divertir votre public tout en amorçant la discussion?
Regardez le nombre de Tweets qui sont postés avant, pendant et après un évènement sur votre timeline Twitter. Imaginez que tous ces Tweets parlent de votre évènement ou de l'artiste qui y participe... Ne serait-ce pas le meilleur moyen de créer le buzz?
N'avez-vous jamais rêvé de discuter avec l'artiste dont vous venez de voir le spectacle? Plus besoin d'un accès backstage désormais. Avec TweetWall Pro, les fans peuvent poser leurs questions et envoyer leurs messages à un artiste et celui-ci peut répondre. Posez une question à un chanteur ou un groupe n'a jamais été aussi facile!
After a concert in Paris, RockCorps organized another special night for volunteers in Mexico. Robb Buono, already present in Paris, wanted to bring artists and volunteers together with the TweetWall. He explains why interaction se... Read more
Last summer, Startabas, a Turkish event agency, organized a concert in Istanbul sponsored by Peugeot. They asked for a customized TweetWall totally Peugeot branded. Read more
Startabas - Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert
Last summer, Startabas, a Turkish event agency, organized a concert in Istanbul sponsored by Peugeot. They asked for a customized TweetWall totally Peugeot branded.
Read moreRockCorps - Concert with Maroon 5 and Javier Colon
After a concert in Paris, RockCorps organized another special night for volunteers in Mexico. Robb Buono, already present in Paris, wanted to bring artists and volunteers together with the TweetWall. He explains why interaction seemed important to him.
Read moreFoxyMoron - Foster's LOL
Why not including a TweetWall to a comedy festival? That's what Mrugank Desai, at the head of a digital team at FoxyMoron, thought. He therefore contacted us.
Read moreOur TweetWalls at SXSW
The South by Southwest® Conferences & Festivals start tomorrow and we are proud to announce that a few TweetWalls will be displaying Twitter in real-time during the event.
Read moreNRJ Uses a TweetWall to Create Interaction
On 15th of September, we were attending that great concert hold by the radio NRJ near Brussels. The radio wanted to create more interaction and displayed a TweetWall during the whole show. It was a success!
Read moreLive tweets during Tiesto's set in Webster Hall
Read more6 Tips to Use Twitter at your Event (Part 1)
Social media is the center of all marketing activities these days! So how do we capitalize on this at events? As Twitter is our speciality, we have these few tips on how you can use this particular channel to develop a community and keep people talking about your event before, during and well after your event!
Read more6 Tips to Use Twitter at your Event (Part 2)
Social media is the center of all marketing these days! So how do we capitalize on this at events? As Twitter is our speciality, we have these few tips on how you can use this particular channel to develop a community and keep people talking about your event before, during and well after your event!
Read moreWith or Without Us
Every year, the French-speaking radio NRJ organizes a big concert in Belgium with a dozen of singers going on stage. The outdoor event gathers 50,000 people. Last year, NRJ installed a TweetWall. This year, NRJ elected not to use a TweetWall. Curious as we are, we have decided to compare Twitter activity from both years and the results are impressive!
Read moreTest
Welcome on our Tweet Wall page. You can follow our event from wherever you are as if you were with us. If you want to join us, check details below and don't forget to bring your friends.
PlusWhy Does your Festival Require a TweetWall?
Installing a TweetWall in your festival field may have various effects.
Read moreWho is Tweeting During a Festival?
Ever wondered who is tweeting during your festival? There are as many categories of Twitter users as Twitter users themselves. Despite the difficulties, we managed to categorize them into three categories: the Tweetreporters, the devoted and the enjoyers. So now you know whom you are addressing to.
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